In the epic third installment of Adam Green’s modern slasher franchise, the vengeful Marybeth (Danielle Harris, Halloween) teams up with a local policeman (Zach Galligan, Gremlins) and his ex-wife (Caroline Williams, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) to uncover the secret to killing the seemingly invincible maniac Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder, Friday the 13th) once and for all. While the trio races to find a way to stop the monster’s murderous rampage, a heavily-armed team of mercenaries takes to the bayou surrounding Crowley’s home and goes head-to-severed head with the lunatic in an all-out bloodbath that raises both the bar and the body count of the previous two Hatchet films put together. Featuring a cast of beloved horror icons and jaw-dropping stunts and gore effects, HATCHET III is an action-packed and explosive conclusion to the blood-soaked saga of Louisiana’s most fearsome killer.